Friday, July 25, 2008

Political Transformation in 2008

This year, there are a lot of "tsunami" in our politic and those matters affected our country. First, political tsunami on 8 March 2008, that was a innovative tsunami in Malaysia. The new changing on politic contributed us a new environment. How to explain this changing? First, more Malays can support and vote for non-Malays parties specially DAP and PKR which were multiracial parties because their mind have already changed , they wanted their lovely land to be prosperity . Conversely, most Malaysians didn't want a mono racial party and they tried to protest or resist them with their votes. Actually, we can explain this case as it was an alert to Pak Lah due to poor management and administration. Second, we can say that Malaysians have accepted other race or religion politician to be their representatives such as many members of Perak Legislative Assembly are Chinese from DAP . It was because more Malays or Indians trust Chinese members were reliable and trustful. So, i think this transform is good and well beginning towards multiracial country.

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